Few sentences about my journeys. I just want to share my minds and my thoughts...
Monday, March 06, 2006
Memorable Birthday Celebration by SSS
Hmm, confuse to choose the title coz happens on the same day... OK, as planned by Larissa, our SSS president, SSS family decided to celebrate my b'day tonight. Feel so excited having 2 b'day celebrations on the same day...Never experienced it before. That's why I am so kanchiong....

Generally, our traditional b'day celebration is a bit different from normal S'poreans. Let say at this afternoon celebration, after I blowed the candles then just cut the cake and distribute that's all. But not in our Indonesian students tradition here, before 'touching' any food provided, I must ask some guests for their testimonials and how they feel about myself. That's a good point! I can see how others feel and think about me so far. Moreover it can reveal about myself more. For me the most important is the bad things about me, so I can improve myself in the years ahead...sometimes yah it's difficult to accept but please be real!

There were 13 of us who came to my hall TV room, and all from fellow SSS friends + Zuhdi who came late. Most of the testimonials said I'm a good chef and a good senior for my SMUN8 almamater, that's for the pros. For the contras some of them said I am a very complex and unique person and sometimes mumbling too much if I was angry...hahaha sorry Yodh! Then the most memorable one is from Adilla n Larissa. Hahaha. Lariss said I'm one of the only 2 persons in her life who has her category for that kind of people, a structured, goal oriented and organized people whereas Adilla described me as a person who has very complex thoughts that others may not understand me well. I didn't know about that things deeply...but I feel that's somewhat true. Because of that confusing but needs deep understanding Adilla's testimonial for me, I decided to give her the first cake.

Wow, the cake was nice. Thanks for all of you ya...here is the cake. So beautiful and tempted cake...Psst our SSS singers Fanny n MT sang my request favorite songs, Lagu Rindu and Cuma Manusia by Keris Patih...really awesome! I never expected this, your impromptu performance was wonderful...

And and our memories...
Lastly our big and warm SSS family that always makes me cheerful during stressful and hard NTU life...

Remarks: Thanks ya Dil for your nice gift. Really like it...Thanks thanks! For Fanny, hmm don't misunderstand me yah, she is just a nice friend of mine...thanks for your sms, I'll try my best to understand his behaviour. For all thanks for coming to this very simple party, hahaha I'm supposed to be the chef for b'day occasion, but now I'm having holiday from cooking, hahaha it'll be strange if I cook for you all for my own b'day *sigh*. Ok, b'day story for today finished. I'll try my best to be a more mature and better man years ahead!
posted by Bram @ 11:09 PM   2 comments
A Nice Birthday Celebration by IA friends
Hi Hi, yup today is my birthday. Must write long nice story then, kekekeke. It's my 3rd birthday since I came to Singapore for the first time exactly. Flash back, in my 1st B'day here around 2 years ago, my ex-roomate, Komeng bought me two big choco cakes and organized a small party for me. Thanks bgt ya Meng for that. Then I didn't celebrate it for last year coz I was too busy preparing the exams...

Frankly, I feel I'm getting older and older hehehehe. Huh, many people in the office will be so angry if I said so.... ahahahaha, the reason coz it's considered still young as 3rd year undergrad student coz most of my S'porean friends aged at least 22 for gals whereas 23+ for guys...What makes me surprised was Kunn said that I am still very young. huh? How come, strange you..kidding2! kekekeke. I got lots of friends who are even younger than me as my fellow friends or even seniors here in NTU like our maestro Barra who is 20 years old for his final year, Larissa 19 years old in her final years and Komeng who is still 19 years old for the same year as me. Hahaha, that's why I can say I'm so old!

Actually I intended not to celebrate this B'day, as I used to be like this. Likewise in my family, we never 'really' celebrated birthday, coz the meaning of birthday is you are getting older and should be more mature, that's all, why should we celebrate? kekekekek. Mostly we only ate special dinner or lunch in the family and among the close family, that's all. hmm but suddenly Larissa sms-ed last nite and conveyed that she planned to celebrate it for our SSS family, the invitation all sent, so must die die come, or else...so surprised yah, thanks thanks, write a story about this in another posting!

Great surprise occurred in my office. Yup, I cooked my fav choco pudding yesterday in the early morning to share with, firstly I thought no body will know my birthday coz I kept it as a secret...But wow they bought me a nice choco-blueberry cream cake, thanks yah all, especially for Maryam, thanks a lot! I never expected to be as happy as today...Fortunately they like my own handmade pudding!

So far I got lots of sms-es, friendster message and B'day card from my friends either in Spore and Indo, here they all. I put them as they originally written and first time first...

Hiban (my high school friend): Oy oy, Met Ultah ye !!! Makin Baek!!! Makin Sukses!!! Makin Tobat!!! Makin Alim!!!

Larissa : Bram! ultahmu dirayain besok jam 8.30pm yaa...Di Hall 5..Jgn telat dateng yaa undangan tlah disebar huehue..:D eniwei met ultah! *kiasu d, ngucapin slamat sejam sebelum ultah :P

Adilla : *cute bunny icon* I'll stay here in your "Inbox" & wait till 00.00 on 6/03/06 so I'll be d first to GREET y@u & say:HaPPY bDaY, Bram! May Allah bless u in eVERy seCond of ur life...JazakiLLah kHoiR. Best, Adilla.

Ferry Ang: oi crut,slamet ulang taun ye, inget, umur kita trus berkurang, makanye, buruanlah tobat, jgn crut melulu, edi tansil lu ntar, wakakakak..

Gito (my close high school friend...Miss you so much To): no sweet thoughts to forward. no cute graphics to send. just a...CARING FRIEND saying...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BRAM! God bless u..

Mama n Bapak (love you a LOT!):,,SLMT ULTAH KE 21,,ya Bam smoga taqwa + iman Islam sehat lahir batin, sucses dgn hasil gemilang dan selalu dlm lindunganNYA sampai jumpa Juni mendtg amin dr Ma2 Bpk

Iffa (close junior high school friend, miss you a lot too Fa!): Bram...happy bday. May ur dreams come true, being more mature, and get closer and closer to Allah. amien.

Karen : Happy birthday...NB: So pity her for today, coz she forgot to bring her Jurong Island pass card, then she needed to rush back home at Tampines...I cannot imagine it if happens to myself.

Fanny : Bram, happy 21st st b'day ya. May all ur wishes do come true. May Allah always beside you. -fanny-

Bu Wahyu: Selamat ulng th, hrs lebih dewasa ya, mudah2an apa yg kamu cita2kan dpt terlaksana n mendpt berkah n rahmat NYA amin...3X

Angelina: Bram, met ultah, ya. Sory baru inget. God bless you even more

Ainun: Bram, selamat ultah ya, maaf enggak jadi dateng ke acaranya :-)


Hanif : Wa Bram..Maap bgt, gw gk inget =S Anyway met ultah ya. Moga2 smua cita2 lu kesampean smua amin =)

Manda (direct from Compiegne, France...wuih hehehhe...) : bram, happy belated bday y...semoga semakin mantap saja,bahagia dunia akhirat =). amin...-manda

Risyad ( I don't believe I have known this high school (chairmate...:p) + NUS friend for almost 6 years, but never ever seen him angry, huehuehue!) : Eh bram ,wah maap2 lupa kalo lo ultah. Sori2. Happy belated b'day yak :D moga2+yg positif2 huhehehe. Maap2 beneran lupa huhu

Huh...I don't think I am able write another messages written on my card from my IA friends..hehehe. So long yah, afraid makes you bored. The beside one is the card, it's so nice and cute and the messages are meaningful for me. What a wonderful birthday!

posted by Bram @ 5:48 AM   1 comments
About Me

Name: Bram
Location: Singapore
About Me: an ordinary guy who is striving hard for his better future
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